Injury Evaluation
While we’re named RunLab and specialize in running biomechanics and treating running-related injuries, our staff has extensive experience in treating all manner of injuries and conditions. Every day we work with patients who have back pain, shoulder or elbow injuries, movement and neurological conditions, and more. You don’t have to be a runner to work with RunLab!
Our treatment plans are based on an active care model. From simple sprains and strains to complex multi-layered injuries, our team will thoroughly evaluate your injury and work with you on a treatment plan based around your individual needs. Our goal is not only that you keep training through the healing process whenever possible but that you come out stronger on the other side with a more thorough understanding of your own body.

We understand that each runner has his or her own strengths, weaknesses, structural limiters, and goals that must be considered when determining a rehab or injury prevention plan. We are staunch advocates of running for both mental and physical health, and believe everyone should be able to run. Runners need a healthcare team that not only understands running injuries, biomechanics, and how to unravel complex movement pattern issues, but who are also runners themselves and understand what it means when you say you “need” to be able to run.